
New plan~

乎 都過了一年了呢!!

想想 要是回想那半年內在歐洲的收穫對現在的自己有甚麼影響

而現在 是該另外找一個夢想的時候了!!

同意claire說的 現在該要找一個目標讓自己努力的去學習 否則可能只是個吸了一堆水卻只是虛胖的海綿
但也相信jay說的 人生經驗是累積的 現在做的事對自己的人生是否有意義 取決於看我如何讓她變得有意義吧

我想要我的人生是有意義的 我依舊想要變成閃閃發亮的人

要來每天都記錄自己的生活~可能會淪為流水帳 但是應該也只有我自己在看我自己的網誌吧哈!

Go Kelly!!!!

4 意見:

drumstick 提到...

hey kelly~

time flies at the speed of light indeed. to think u were still having a time of ur life in France/Europe this time last year.

in view of the difficulties u r facing in ur life right now, the light at the end of the tunnel is coming right at the corner. never let go of ur positive thinking.

ur friends are right. the hardships and dilemmas u are facing now may turn out to be useful "instruments" that u can draw from ur well of experience and knowledge in time to come.

Kelly 提到...

hey Alex~

come to think now, u may be the only one beside myself who still check this blog right now!!

thanks for ur support! hope u're also heading to ur dreams/goals ~

when in doubts, guess we could use more positive thinkings!!!!

drumstick 提到...
drumstick 提到...

remember the starfish story i told u about? regardless of the number of people who visit ur blog regularly, do update it more often!

an active blog is a good avenue for people who care about u to learn of the recent happenings in ur life.

yea, hang on to those positive thoughts! Go Kelly! =p

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